Retirement Income Simulator

There was a lot in the Federal Budget about super. In case you haven’t seen it, here’s Mercer’s analysis.

Our Apps Team is frequently in a limbo between policy announcements and what has actually been legislated, and we rarely include any policy measure in the simulator if it has not been legislated. In this case however, the changes are so broad that we have done a special Budget Edition simulator to help you see the impact on your super of some of the measures announced in the Budget. Using the scenario feature in the RIS we have considered the following measures:

  • Continuing the operation of the Low Income Superannuation Contribution;
  • Reducing the concessional contributions cap to $25,000;
  • Reducing the income threshold at which the additional 15 per cent tax on concessional contributions applies to $250,000;
  • Limiting non-concessional contributions across the lifetime to $500,000; and,
  • Capping the amount of superannuation savings that can be converted into a retirement income stream at $1.6 million, indexed with price inflation.

The simulator uses the Summary -> Compare screen to show which Budget measures might affect your situation.

Other Budget measures we have not included relate to the incentives for spouse contributions, the ability to make deductible contributions independent of salary, the restrictions on transition to retirement income streams and the carry-over of unused concessional caps for five years.

We hope you find it useful. The link is:

Tags: retirement-planning budget

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