
Change in tax
tax icon tax icon
tax payable per year
Change in take home pay
take home pay icon take home pay icon
take home pay per year
Change in yearly super contribution
piggybank icon piggybank icon
super contributions per year
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SSS contributions to be salary sacrificed
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Based on the details you entered, your salary sacrifice contribution may have exceeded the concessional contributions cap for 2024-25. The limit is $30,000 from 1st of July 2024.

However, special conditions apply to SSS. For full details, see the More info tab which includes a link to our Concessional contributions cap fact sheet.

Your results
Impact on annual after-tax income
Current situation New scenario
Gross assessable income
Salary sacrifice (pre-tax contributions)
Taxable income
PAYG tax payable (excludes Medicare)
After-tax contributions
Net after-tax income
Impact on annual superannuation contributions
Current situation New scenario
Annual salary sacrifice contributions
Contributions tax @ 15%
After-tax contributions
Total net SSS superannuation contributions
Commonwealth Government co-contributions